Current Events Comic Strip Tutorial

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In this activity, you'll remix a comic strip to share your feelings about a particular current event.

  1. Change the title of the comic.

    The title is in the header tags on line 110. Any text that goes in between the <h1> tags will become the Title.

  2. Change the picture of the first scene.

    First, we need to find an image. Open up a new tab in your browser. Go to

    This page lets you use popular search engines to find pictures that have Creative Commons licenses. People give their pictures Creative Commons licenses so others can use them creatively so long as they follow simple rules, like giving the original owner of the picture credit.

    Use this search page to find pictures that work in your comic strip. Click through the search thumbnail to find the picture. Right-click on the picture and choose 'copy image location' or 'copy image address.'

    Paste that new location or address into the code of your comic strip, for example in line 132.

    Tip: You can also take a selfie if you click the green plus icon in the Files area. Click "Upload..." and then click "Take a Selfie...".

  3. Change the caption.

    You can have a caption on either the top of a scene or the bottom of the scene. The captions use the paragraph tag <p>. They are identified by top or bottom captions by <p class=”top”> or <p class=”bottom”>. Just change the text between the <p> and the </p> tags on line 131, and decide if you want a top or bottom caption.

  4. Add text bubbles.

    There are two types of speech bubbles. Left and right. The speech bubbles also use the paragraph <p> tag. They are identified by left or right speech bubbles by <p class="speech left"> or <p class="speech right">. Decide if you want a left or right speech bubble. Change the text between the <p> and the </p> tags on line 131.

  5. Edit the other scenes

    Repeat steps 2 through 4 for the other scenes in the comic.

  6. Add any additional scenes you may need.

    To add more scenes, copy the HTML from a scene and paste it below line 170. Then, edit the HTML.

  7. Update the image credits

    Finally, find the credits part of the body of your webpage, near the bottom of the code, above the <div/> tag on line 166. Change the credits for any photos you replace in your remix.

  8. Share your Comic Strip

    When you're ready to share your postcard, click 'Show Live' at the top of the Remix window to see your live website link.

    If you want to change the url of your comic, just upate the Glitch project name in the top right.

    Send the url to your family and friends, or post it on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #teachtheweb.